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A delegation from the African Parliament visits the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Mali.

Le président du parlement africain, Mr DRO kessé Jean Claude chez le Ministre de la défense du Mali

Minister Sadio Camara received in audience the President of the African Parliament of Civil Society (PASCI), Mr. Dro Kessé Jean Claude, accompanied by a delegation, was received in audience by the Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Colonel Sadio Camara. It was on Friday February 25, 2022, in the conference room of the said department. Upon leaving the audience, the president of PASCI, Mr. Dro Kessé Jean Claude declared that despite the difficult sanctions taken by ECOWAS against Mali, the populations live peacefully thanks to the efforts of the Malian army. Mr. Jean Claude claims to have noticed that Mali is doing increasingly better in the fight against terrorism since the Malians decided to take charge of their destiny with strength and courage. The FAMa is advancing on the ground, because all the sine qua non conditions have been put in place to allow the Defense and Security forces to confront the terrorists. According to him, one of the major concerns of the Transition is to get people to return to their villages. The President of PASCI, Mr. Claude, said he was satisfied to know that Africa is capable of taking charge of itself militarily.

“Mali has shown courage and resilience. We came to give him the support of Africans.”

MDAC: Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs: Minister Sadio Camara received in audience the President of the African Parliament of Civil Society

le Parlement africain de la société civile avec le ministre de la défense sadio caamara du Mali

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