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Partenaires / Bailleurs / Financiers

Several members, public institutions, private foundations, service clubs and private donors support/have supported the programs of the African civil society parliament.


​donor and partner in the organization of certain activities such as the international conference of African organizations members of the United Nations ecosoc


​donor and partner in the organization of certain activities such as the international conference of African organizations members of the United Nations Ecosoc.


Partner in the organization of certain activities such as training seminars, international conference of African organizations members of the United Nations ecosoc etc...

ministere des affaires etrangeres de la guinee.jpeg

Institutional partner, in the organization of certain activities such as training seminars, international conferences, etc.

international agency for economic and social development.jpeg

AIDES - Cote d'Ivoire

Partner in the organization of certain activities such as training seminars, international conference of African organizations members of the United Nations ecosoc etc...

national association for mutual aid between young people.jpeg

ANEJ - Algérie

Partner in the organization of certain activities of the executive committee of the African parliament of civil society etc...

Union of International Associations (UIA).jpeg

​donor and partner in the organization of certain activities such as the international conference of African organizations members of the United Nations ecosoc

international conference of information commissioners.png

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ministry of foreign affairs of algeria

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Algeria

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We warmly thank our public and private donors and donors for their reiterated trust and invite them to renew their support for our new programs to be financed.

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